Bill Pay

- Cable, internet & phone services: Clearnetworx now manages all Mountain Village Broadband services and billing. Learn more. For any outstanding balances due to the Town of Mountain Village, please contact Sabra Tandy, at 970-369-6408 or email .
- Childcare & Preschool: Payments can be made online (a 2.5 percent convenience fee applies for all credit card transactions), in person at Town Hall or at the daycare facility, or via mail (mailing address) 455 Mountain Village Blvd. Suite A Mountain Village CO 81435 by check, money order or cash.
- Construction parking: Payment portal
- Water & Sewer Services: Payment portal. To enroll in paperless billing for water/sewer bills, you will need to reference your most current bill. Pay your bill here.
Payment for municipal services is due by the 25th of each month. If we don’t receive payment in full by this date, a late fee will apply. We will disconnect or discontinue service if we do not receive payment within 60 days from the original bill date. For those who choose to use a credit card or debit card, please make your payment on the 20th, or the closest business day to that date each month so that your payment is received on time. For billing questions, please or call (970) 369-6408.
Pay by phone
The Town of Mountain Village gives you access to your Construction Parking and Water/Sewer accounts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Save postage by paying your bill by phone
- Access your updated account instantly
- Hear real-time balances, payment amounts and due dates
- Enter your information securely through our automated system.
Call 866-208-2609 today to make your payment over the phone.
Other Payment Options
If online bill pay isn’t your preference, you may make a payment using cash (in person), check or money order. If you would like to set up auto-pay for a bank account, you must complete and submit the appropriate form below and email to .
Account Changes
If you need to make changes to your water and sewer account at any time, complete the utilities account change form below. If you are a property manager, please note, the homeowner must make changes to water and sewer accounts.