Roofing Material

Design Review Board Community Development Code Work Session

Categories: Community

The Town of Mountain Village in partnership with the Telluride Mountain Village Homeowner’s Association (TMVOA) is holding a Special Design Review Board (DRB) Work session to discuss the Town of Mountain Village's Community Development Code (CDC) amendments to broaden Village Center roof material regulations. The meeting will be held on December 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to discuss alternative and appropriate roofing materials while keeping the intent of a distinct Mountain Village Center with a unified design, ski resort or mountain vernacular theme. The town will also explore design intent, color considerations, material considerations, roof assemblies, and related topics that also include snow shed, safety, and maintenance, in addition to a site walk of the Village Center. The CDC requires that roofing material in the Village Center consist of concrete tile or synthetic materials that emulate an actual concrete tile in the color of burnt sienna. The community wishes to modify the existing regulations for reasons including the concrete tile design theme feels outdated, it is intensive to maintain as the individual tiles must be replaced periodically due to damage and wear, and the roof tile is no longer being manufactured or otherwise limited in its availability. The Town of Mountain Village and TMVOA intends to continue the roofing discussion at future DRB meetings including a public open house next year. The town plans to complete reviews and proposes CDC regulation amendments by early spring of 2018. Visit our Event for details.

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