Applications now open for 2021 Mountain Village Farm to Community Program
The Town of Mountain Village is pleased to announce that the Farm to Community Program will continue in 2021, serving 80 families over the course of 14 weeks this summer.
“The Mountain Village Town Council saw the Farm to Community program as an essential service in 2020 temporarily expanding the program in response to COVID-19 stay at home orders and serving 85 families (183 people) with more than 18,000 pounds distributed through the FRESH Food Hub,” said Business Development and Sustainability Director Zoe Dohnal. “This year we will continue serving 80 families and supporting our local farmers.”
The Farm to Community Program offers qualified Mountain Village residents 14 weeks of locally farmed produce and food items for just a $35 application fee. The application process opened this week and spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
To qualify, applicants must live in deed-restricted housing in the Town of Moutain Village with a parent and at least one dependent or meet annual household income qualifications as outlined on the town’s website.
Mountain Village has partnered once again with Norwood’s FRESH Food Hub to supply the shares. Food shares will available for pick up at this summer’s Market on the Plaza (each Wednesday in Heritage Plaza June 16-Sept. 1).
“The full benefits of the Farm to Community program have been very apparent in year’s past, from the support it offers regional farmers to the nutritional and economic impact it provides for local families,” said Mountain Village Town Council Member and Green Team Committee Vice-Chair Marti Prohaska.
“It also leads to reductions in carbon emissions, which benefits the entire community. Perhaps less obvious but very important is the sense of community it has brought to Mountain Village, between neighbors, volunteers, and our local farmers,” Prohaska said.
Applications and more information can be found online at: townofmountainvillage.com/farm-to-community.