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April 2024 Mountain Village Minute

The Mountain Village Town Council held its regular monthly meeting last week on Thursday, April 25. Below you will find a recap of the meeting.

April 25 Meeting Highlights

  • Council considered and approved a proclamation declaring the month of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
  • Finance Director Lizbeth Lemley introduced the new Rental Properties Coordinator Juan Rivera.
  • Council made the following appointments to the Plaza Vending Committee:
    • Scott Pearson as the Town Council member for a 2-year term
    • Lauren Schrieber as the at-large community member for a 2-year term
    • Erika Jurecki as the brick & mortar food & beverage member for an initial 1-year term
    • Alberto Tames as the plaza vending business member for an initial 1-year term
    • Economic Development and Sustainability Director JD Wise as the staff liaison
  • Council reappointed Design Review Board Members Banks Brown, Scott Bennett, Adam Miller, David Craig and Jim Austin as the first alternate with two-year terms expiring April 23, 2026.
  • Town Council voted to table the second reading, public hearing and council vote on the ordinance calling for a special election for July 9 and setting ballot questions regarding proposed amendments to the Mountain Village Home Rule Charter until after a worksession scheduled on June 12 at 5 p.m. More information on that public worksession will be shared with the community soon.
  • Council approved the first reading of separate ordinances regarding the following CDC amendments. A second reading, public hearing and council vote will be held May 16, 2024:
  • Town Council approved the first reading of an ordinance amending the ice rink management agreement with the Madeline Hotel and Residences. A second reading, public hearing and final council vote is scheduled for the next Town Council meeting on May 16.
  • Council voted to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for Cost-Sharing of the Planning and Project Development Phase of the Gondola Project.
  • Council approved the San Miguel Authority for Regional Transportation Intergovernmental Agreement.
  • Without taking action, Town Council held executive sessions to receive legal advice on specific legal questions, to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, develop strategy for negotiations and/or instruct negotiators in connection with the following items:
    • The Wastewater Treatment Plant
    • Proposed legislation related to land transactions
    • Smart City Initiative and Associated Cyber Security

All Mountain Village Town Council meetings are live-streamed with a Zoom option for remote participation. You may watch this meeting on-demand on the Town’s website to learn more about a particular agenda item.

Town Council will hold its next regular meeting on Thursday, May 16. Meeting material is posted to the Town's website and distributed via email the Friday before each meeting.

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