Art contest for reusable tote bag designs
With the changing of seasons and the melting of snow comes much anticipated warmer weather, outdoor recreation, and another season of visitors to the region. The Town of Mountain Village is continually working to promote environmental stewardship and the local economy. The Town of Mountain Village’s Market on the Plaza kicks off in June and, as part of its promotion, the Town is seeking designs for reusable tote bags. These bags will be used to promote sustainable living and be sold at the Market on the Plazas.
Design Theme
The design of the reusable tote bags should capture the vibrancy of the Market on the Plaza and tie to the themes of shop local, local food and environmental stewardship. Information on Market on the Plaza can be found on the Town’s website here. Market on the Plaza logo should be incorporated into the design. The logo is available for download below.
Artists of all ages, levels, and skillsets within the region are encouraged to apply.
Deadline and Submittal Requirements
The art contest will open on Friday, April 29 and will close on Monday, May 16. Please submit all artwork by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 16 via email to . As part of your submission, please include a response to the questions, “What does shop local mean to you?” or “How will you practice environmental stewardship this summer?”
Due to the printing process, the design must use no more than 6 colors. The bag dimensions are 20 inch wide x 15” high x 5 inches deep and the design area is no more than 18 inches wide x 13 inches wide.
Award and Conditions
One winner will be announced over the week of May 16. The winner will receive a community-supported agriculture (CSA) food share from FRESH Food Hub, a $630 value. The CSA share is a 14-week share and will be available for pickup every Wednesday between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. from the FRESH Food Hub booth during Market on the Plaza.
Town of Mountain Village will own the rights to the winning design, including the right to use and reproduce the design. The design will be used on reusable tote bags which will be sold by the Town to promote Market on the Plaza and sustainable living.