Gondola closes for spring off-season April 4: buses to run through May 26, 2021
Sunday, April 4, 2021 will be the gondola’s last day of operation before closing for more than five weeks of required maintenance. The gondola will reopen for the summer season on Thursday, May 27 and be open through October 17, 2021.
Each spring and fall the gondola, which connects Mountain Village and Telluride, closes for routine, required safety inspections and maintenance, and a free bus service is offered during this time as an alternative.
The Town of Mountain Village, which owns and operates the gondola, and the San Miguel Authority for Regional Transportation are once again partnering to offer free bus service between Mountain Village and Telluride while the gondola is closed.
The buses will run 6:15 a.m.-11:20 p.m. with stops in Lawson Hill and throughout Mountain Village and Telluride. There will also be an express route with fewer stops between Telluride and Mountain Village.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, limited passenger numbers will be loaded and masks are required for all passengers and drivers.
To download both the full spring bus schedule and the express schedule, please visit townofmountainvillage.com/bus. Bus schedules will also be posted at all bus stops.