Mountain Village issues third Public Review Period for Comprehensive Plan Amendments
A third draft of the proposed Mountain Village Comprehensive Plan amendments is available for the public to review during the Town’s third Public Input Period. This period will run from September 26 through October 17.
The Mountain Village Town Council is slated to consider the potential adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments at its November 17 meeting.
The Town’s Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2011 and written to be a 30-year roadmap envisioning the future use and needs of the community. In the decade since it was drafted and adopted, Town Council and the community have noted that the plan is overly prescriptive and complicated in certain respects.
“Comprehensive Plans are used in communities to inform a landowner or developer about possible options related to their property that is consistent with the community’s vision regarding uses, density and amenities,” explained Assistant Town Manager Michelle Haynes. “The Town’s planning department and Council have found that the 2011 plan was overly prescriptive and prohibited development in some cases.”
The Town began this process in October of 2020 with the intention to amend the 2011 Comprehensive Plan to reflect economic realities to provide future Town Councils, property owners and community members solid, yet flexible guidance to inform and support the critical decisions they will face in years to come.
Since the amendment process was initially launched to the public in January of 2021, the Town and MIG, the consultants hired to facilitate the process, have engaged the public for input in multiple ways including stakeholder interviews, a community survey, an economics forum, an open house that saw some of the highest participation rates MIG has seen and two previous Public Review Periods.
The latest draft of the Comprehensive Plan reflects public comment from the first two Public Review Periods and a revised Meadows Subarea Plan developed with input from the Meadows Resident Advisory Board and the associated Meadows Subarea Plan Public Review Period.
The latest draft reflects a reduced emphasis on hot bed development (reducing the flagship hotel sites and requirements), an added section on housing with a focus on Town-owned lands, a bolstered transportation and gondola section, a section on sustainability and an amended Public Benefits section.
“Although the 2011 plan was envisioned as a 30-year road map, it was drafted on the heels of the Great Recession,” explains Haynes. “In looking at it through a 2022 lens, the community is striving for better balance and recognizes that transportation, sustainability and housing are all the foundations to support Mountain Village’s economy. We have recognized these key elements in the draft amended plan.”
The public can review the Comprehensive Plan with proposed amendments here. All comments may be submitted through the Town's online comment form or emailed to . This form and the background on this two-year-long process can also be found on our webpage dedicated to the amendment process.
For more information about the entire Comprehensive Plan amendment process, please visit: townofmountainvillage.com/comp-plan.