Mountain Village Minute: December 2024
The Mountain Village Town Council held its regular monthly meeting last week on Thursday, December 12. Below you will find a recap of the meeting.
December 12 Meeting Highlights
- Council voted to continue a first reading, setting of a public hearing, and council vote on a rezone and density transfer application for Lot 908 to the January 16 Town Council Meeting.
- Town Council discussed 2025 goals for the Intergovernmental Worksessions and appointed Scott Pearson to be on the subcommittee with other local government entities to work through intergovernmental goals.
- Acting as the Board of Directors for the dissolved Mountain Village Metro District, Council passed a number of items outlined below:
- Re convening as Town Council, Council passed several items regarding the 2025 budget and revised 2024 budget:
- Convened as the Town Mountain Village Housing Authority (TMVHA), Council considered and approved a revised resolution adopting the TMVHA Fee Schedule for 2025 and Village Court Apartment Fee Schedule and Rental Rates for 2025. New rental rates will begin on a rolling basis upon lease renewal in 2025.
- Council heard from Community Development Director Amy Ward and Michelle Haynes regarding the Ilium Housing Advisory Committee's process to select a development firm for the Alexander Property in Ilium. Council voted unanimously not to award a contract at this time and directed staff to continue working on redevelopment work and re-issue a request for proposals in the future.
- Council approved the second supplement and amendment to the Gondola Project Intergovernmental Agreement for cost-sharing of the planning and development phase of the gondola project.
- Council discussed expanding the Mountain Village YES Program and moved to continue this item to its next meeting on January 16.
- Assistant Town Manager Michelle Haynes and Town Manager Paul Wisor shared updates on the Village Court Apartments Phase IV and Meadowlark housing developments, which are both now finished and home to members of the local workforce. One unit remains for sale in Meadowlark. Learn more.
- Without taking action, Town Council held executive sessions to receive legal advice on specific legal questions, to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, develop strategy for negotiations and/or instruct negotiators in connection with the following items:
- Developing strategy for negotiations in connection with the interpretation of the municipal code
- Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Ilium Community Housing Parcel
- TMVOA lawsuit
- A complaint filed against the Town by Emily Mason
All Mountain Village Town Council meetings are live-streamed with a Zoom option for remote participation. You may watch this meeting on-demand on the Town’s website to learn more about a particular agenda item.
The next Town Council Meeting will be Thursday, January 16. Meeting material is posted to the Town's website the Friday before each meeting.
Please note: Written public comment will be included in the Town Council packet if it is received by noon the Thursday preceding the Town Council meeting. When written communication is received after the Town Council packet deadline, it will be forwarded to Town Council and the appropriate staff members and entered into the record after the Town Council meeting.