Mountain Village Minute: February 2025
The Mountain Village Town Council held its regular monthly meeting last week on Thursday, February 20. Below you will find a recap of the meeting.
February 20 Meeting Highlights
- Assistant Town Manager Michelle (Haynes) Bulson introduced Administrative Assistant Sierra Vargas. Chief Technology Officer Jim Soukup and Public Works Director Scott Pittenger introduced SCADA Administrator Pat Drew. Pittenger also introduced VCA Maintenance Technician Tony Pineda.
- Council voted to approve Scott Pearson as the alternate seat for the Region 10 board and Huascar E. Gomez (Rick) as an alternate seat for te Colorado Flight Alliance.
- Council convened as the Town of Mountain Village Housing Authority to appoint Pedro Maquera to the VCA Resident Committee for a term expiring July 2026.
- Council approved the December 31, 2024 preliminary financials as presented.
- Council approved a resolution appropriating sums of money related to boiler replacements.
- Town Manager Paul Wisor presented the monthly department updates. Discussion ensued regarding the Sunset Concert Series and Telluride Ski & Golf's unwillingness to renew the contract for the use of TSG land for the series in 2025. Public comment was received from Carmela Sanna and Teddy Errico about the economic vitality this community event brings to Mountain Village. Council suggested a Special Town Council Meeting be scheduled to further discuss the future of the Sunset Concert Series. Details for that meeting will be shared through Town channels once it is scheduled.
- Council approved an intergovernmental agreement between San Miguel County and Town of Mountain Village concerning noxious weed management and control services, and authorized staff to modify the term to 2030 if all parties agree.
- Town Forester Rodney Walters led a discussion regarding distributing MCH pheromone packets to prevent Douglas fir beetle kill. Council discussed various approaches and suggested potential program rollout in summer 2026.
- The discussion regarding the potential update of the currently adopted Renewable Energy Mitigation Program (REMP) form and its calculations was continued to the March 20, 2025 Town Council Meeting.
- Council approved a memorandum of understanding between the Ilium Property Owners Association and the Town of Mountain Village for shared water facilities as it relates to the Ilium housing parcel in Ilium Valley, and authorized staff to make any final non-substantive changes.
- Council approved on first reading an ordinance clarifying and correcting the density allocated to Lots 1001 and 1005R, commonly called Village Court Apartments and set a second reading, public hearing, and Council vote for the March 20, 2025, Town Council Meeting.
- Council approved an ordinance amending Town use tax provisions.
- Council approved on the first reading an ordinance and code amendment for mayoral and Council compensation and set the second reading, public hearing, and Council vote for the March 20, 2025, Town Council meeting.
- The Mayor requested a work session for the March 20, 2025 Town Council meeting to discuss council member attendance policies.
- At the applicant's request, Council voted to table indefinitely the following three items that were continued from the January 16, 2025 meeting:
- Consideration of a Resolution approving a height variance application for Lot 161A-R2, Unit 1, TBD Raccoon Lane
- Consideration of a Resolution approving a major subdivision for Lot 161A-R2, Unit 1
- First reading, setting of a public hearing, and Council vote on an ordinance regarding a rezoning of Lot 161A-R2, Unit 1, TBD Raccoon Lane
- Consideration of a resolution approving amendments to the Town of Mountain Village Your Equity Support (YES) Program guidelines was continued to the March 20, 2025, regular town council Meeting.
- Sustainability and Grant Projects Manager Lauren Kirn presented updates on grants awarded in 2025 and expectations for federal grants.
- Without taking action, Town Council held executive sessions to receive legal advice on specific legal questions, to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, develop strategy for negotiations and/or instruct negotiators in connection with the following items:
- Ilium Community Housing Parcel
- Wastewater Treatment Plant
- TMVOA litigation
- Lot 109-R
- Acquisition of land
- Taxes and Fees
- Pending litigation in Masson vs. BOCC
All Mountain Village Town Council meetings are live-streamed with a Zoom option for remote participation. You may watch this meeting on-demand on the Town’s website to learn more about a particular agenda item.
The next Town Council Meeting will be on Thursday, March 20. Meeting material is posted to the Town's website the Friday before each meeting.
Please note: Written public comment will be included in the Town Council packet if it is received by noon the Thursday preceding the Town Council meeting. When written communication is received after the Town Council packet deadline, it will be forwarded to Town Council and the appropriate staff members and entered into the record after the Town Council meeting.