Mountain Village Minute: January 2024
With a new year comes a host of exciting Mountain Village news and initiatives on the horizon.
Town Council held its first meeting of 2024 on Thursday, January 18 and this monthly newsletter aims to recap Town Council meetings for our community.
Unless otherwise noted, all items below were unanimously voted on by the six present council members.
January 18 Meeting Highlights:
- Council voted to recertify the Mountain Village Promotional Association's Common Consumption Area. Learn more about Mountain Village's Common Consumption Area on the Town's website.
- Town Manager Paul Wisor and Council discussed monthly department updates. View this month's department updates from the packet material.
- Council approved on second reading an ordinance amending the Community Development Code to align the code with the Town's recently adopted Addressing Standards. Stay tuned for more information about the Town's re-addressing efforts that will be announced this week.
- In a 5-1 vote, Council approved a Conditional Use Permit for the Wok of Joy's food trailer that will be located on the Telluride Conference Center Plaza. This Conditional Use Permit will be valid for three years, and the applicant, Jason and Joy Smith, will work with town staff to execute a plaza license agreement for the trailer space in the plaza. The food truck is expected to be open this summer.
- In a 5-1 vote, Council denied a conditional use permit for driveway access in Lot OSP 18A for a single-family home on Lot SS811. The applicants are building a home on Arizona Drive and, due to wetland concerns, were requesting the conditional use permit to build the driveway out to Mountain Village Boulevard instead of Arizona Drive, where wetland concerns are present. Town staff expects the applicant will bring an alterative design application to the Town for its design review process.
- Town Council voted to extend the vested property right at Lot 27A, Parcel 3R TBD Lost Creek Lane, for three more years to April 6, 2027. The project is a multi-family condominium development comprised of 19 condo units and 2 employee condo units.
- Council approved the first reading of an ordinance regarding helicopter landings within the Town of Mountain Village. The second reading of the ordinance is scheduled reading for February 14.
- Council heard its bi-annual report from Telluride Regional Airport Manager Kenny Maenpa.
Without taking action, Town Council held executive sessions to receive legal advice on specific legal questions, to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators in connection with the following items:- Mountain Village wetlands and Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency
- Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Gondola construction
- Possible charter amendments
All Mountain Village Town Council meetings are live-streamed with a Zoom option for remote participation. You may watch this meeting on-demand on the Town’s website to learn more about a particular agenda item.
Town Council will hold its next regular meeting on Thursday, February 15. Meeting material is typically posted to the Town's website and distributed via email the Friday before each meeting.