Officials to consider the third step in Lot 161CR hotel PUD application Wednesday, July 20 & Thursday, July 21
On Wednesday, July 20 and Thursday, July 21 Mountain Village officials will review the third required application for the Lot 161 CR Hotel Site Specific Planned Unit Development (SPUD) process.
In a special meeting on Wednesday, July 20, the Mountain Village Design Review Board will consider a recommendation on the major subdivision portion of the SPUD application to Town Council that replats the properties into one 4.437-acre lot. The Design Review Board will also make a recommendation to Town Council regarding the Final SPUD application that includes the final architectural design review.
During its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, July 21, Town Council will have the first reading of an ordinance considering the final site-specific PUD for a mixed-use hotel/resort development adjacent to the gondola in the Village Center.
Additionally, the town will hold a site walk of the proposed development prior to the DRB meeting on Wednesday, July 20 at 8 a.m. to observe the proposed heights of the application. There may be a quorum of Town Council or DRB members at this site walk, however, no formal action will be taken.
The application proposes a five-star hotel, residences, condominiums, a restaurant, bar, spa and public and private amenity spaces on Lot 161CR and associated lots in the vicinity. The project proposes 53 traditional hotel rooms, and the Four Seasons, a five-star luxury hotel/resort brand, will operate and manage the property in accordance with the goals of the Mountain Village Comprehensive Plan.
This final SPUD approval is a culmination of the previous conceptual and sketch approvals the project has received from DRB and Town Council.
“This application represents the final PUD package: variations, community benefits, public benefits, density transfers/rezones, design plans, legal agreements and major subdivision review,” said Mountain Village Planning and Development Services and Housing Director Michelle Haynes. “This is a long-anticipated development proposal in a key location adjacent to the gondola as identified in our 2011 Comprehensive Plan and the current Comprehensive Plan process as a flagship hotel site.”
The first public hearing for this project was held in February 2022, and the first conceptual approval was granted by Town Council in March 2022. The second sketch approval application was approved in May 2022.
A Planned Unit Development application provides the Town Council with the ability to vary and waive provisions of the Community Development Code in exchange for community benefits. As this project has developed, a number of community benefits have been included in this application.
“This property is unique in that it is identified as a flagship hotel in the Comprehensive Plan and items such as the hotel rooms, commercial retail, food and beverage, public trails and plaza areas and onsite housing count toward general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan,” Haynes said.
Town staff is currently compiling all application material and it, along with 3D modeling of the proposal, will be posted on the Town’s website by 12 p.m. noon Friday, July 15 at the latest.
To view the application material, which includes architectural sketches and plans for the development, please visit the Town’s current planning webpage at townofmountainvillage.com/current-planning.
Written public comments on the proposal may be addressed to the Design Review Board and Town Council and sent to .
The special Design Review Board meeting will begin at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, July 20. Town Council is slated to begin the discussion regarding this project at 4:15 p.m.on Thursday, July 21.
The public is invited to attend the site walk and all meetings virtually or in person. Meeting info and Zoom log-in information will be in the respective meeting’s agenda and packet. The DRB material is posted on the Town’s DRB webpage. Town Council meeting material is posted to the Town Council webpage the Friday or Saturday before each meeting.