Mountain Village to hold wildfire preparedness ice cream social June 12
The Town of Mountain Village Police Department presents Fire and Ice: A Community Wildfire Education Ice Cream Social on Sunday, June 12 from 4 to 7 p.m. in Heritage Plaza.
Wildfire danger is at the forefront of our regional agencies' and residents’ minds as the area enters another dry summer season, and this event is an opportunity to learn about different aspects of wildfire preparedness, safety and prevention.
In addition to the more serious topic of wildfire, the event will also feature free ice cream, live music from Andy Jones and a fire truck and police squad car for kids to explore.
Participating agencies include the Telluride Fire Protection District, San Miguel Sheriff’s Office and Office of Emergency Management, the Norwood Ranger District of the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest.
Topics will include fire mitigation around the home (defensible space and cedar shake roof replacement), preparing your household for potential evacuation, signing up for emergency notifications, preventing wildfire while recreating and more.
“It is a personal responsibility to take mitigation action to protect your property,” said TFPD District Chief John Bennett. “This helps firefighters with access and personnel safety. Research continues to demonstrate that property survival rates are much higher than untreated properties.”
The event is free and open to the public and both residents, second homeowners and visitors are invited to attend.
“We want to provide the community with a wildfire education opportunity while also making it engaging and hopefully fun since the threat of wildfire is a heavy topic,” said Mountain Village Public Information Officer Kathrine Warren.
“Participants who visit all of our booths during the event will be entered to win our raffle with some great prizes thanks to the generosity of Mountain Lodge, Telluride Ski & Golf and Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association,” Warren added.
For more information visit bit.ly/MVFireIce.