Mountain Village Town Council votes to issue quiet title action on Lot 615 1CR
In a special meeting on Saturday, September 4, 2021, held for the purpose of discussing Lot 615 1CR and the Meadows Trail closure, Mountain Village Town Council voted 6-0 (with council member Patrick Berry absent) to direct the Town Attorney to file a quiet title action and other associated claims with respect to Lot 615 1CR.
The town’s legal counsel will work to file that quiet title action and any other associated claims after the Labor Day holiday weekend, and more information will be shared with the public when it is available.
“As evidenced by the fact Town Council met on a Saturday morning over a holiday weekend, the Town is working as expeditiously as possible to safely reopen the Meadows Trail, and we appreciate the community’s patience with respect to this matter,” said Town Attorney Paul Wisor.
For a map of the closure and more information, please visit bit.ly/meadowstrailclosure.