Second Comprehensive Plan Public Review Period extended through March 10
The Town of Mountain Village is currently in the midst of its second Comprehensive Plan amendment process Public Review Period and the town announced February 4 that the deadline to submit public comments has been extended to Thursday, March 10.
The latest draft of the proposed Comprehensive Plan is available for review online and the second round of revisions include many items addressed by the community during the first Public Review Period:
- Significant decrease in hotbeds
- Reduction in density of the Meadows neighborhood
- Maintaining open space designations as they exist in the current Comprehensive Plan
- Elimination of reference to duplex development in the single-family zone district
- Enhanced emphasis on deed-restricted housing.
All comments may be submitted through our online comment form or by emailing . This form and the background on the year-long process can also be found on our webpage dedicated to the amendment process.