The Town of Mountain Village will hold a municipal election on Tuesday, June 24, 2025. The deadline to register to vote is Friday, May 23, 2025 at 5 p.m. Register to vote and learn more.

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

The Mountain Village Town Council, in partnership with Tri-County Health Network, has declared September 2023 National Suicide Prevention Month.

In a proclamation adopted at its September 2023 meeting, the town council recognizes suicide as a national, statewide and local public health problem and suicide prevention is a national, statewide and local responsibility.

Organizations such Tri-County Health Network are dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide, through research, education, advocacy and resources for those who have lost someone to suicide or who struggle, and urge that we:

  • Recognize suicide as a preventable national and state public health problem and declare suicide prevention to be a priority.
  • Acknowledge that no single suicide prevention program or effort will be appropriate for all populations or communities.
  • Address the disparity in access to mental healthcare for underserved and underrepresented groups, and advocate for ending these disparities.
  • Fund new suicide research to support culturally-informed, evidence-based mental health care and services.
  • Encourage initiatives based on the goals contained in the Colorado National Collaborative for Suicide Prevention.
  • Promote awareness that there is no single cause for suicide and that suicide most often occurs when stressors exceed the coping abilities of someone struggling with a mental health condition.
  • Develop and implement strategies to improve and increase access to quality mental health, substance abuse, and suicide prevention services and programs.
  • Continue advocacy to ensure we can reimagine a comprehensive suicide, mental health, and substance use crisis response system that builds on the historic new 988 number for Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

The Mountain Village Town Council, calls upon its residents, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses and schools in the Town of Mountain Village to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of the many reasons why suicide occurs in our community, the steps our citizens can take to help their fellow citizens who are considering suicide, and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people who are living with mental health challenges.

Join Tri-County Health Network for its Walk for Hope on Sunday, Sept. 24 starting at Town Park in Telluride. Visit our event calendar for more information.

If you know someone who is struggling with their mental health, please see our previous blog post listing free local mental health resources.

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