Town Council to consider second reading of ordinance approving Lot 161CR Four Seasons Hotel Project
In a special meeting on Thursday, August 25, the Mountain Village Town Council will hold a second reading, public hearing and council vote on an ordinance considering the Final Site-Specific Planned Unit Development for the Lot 161CR Hotel Project.
Council will also consider a resolution regarding a major subdivision application to replat the associated lots for the project into one 4.437-acre lot and rename it Lot161C-RR.
This discussion is scheduled to begin at 4:10 p.m. on August 25.
The application proposes a five-star hotel, residences, condominiums, a restaurant, bar, spa and public and private amenity spaces on Lot 161CR and associated lots in the vicinity. The project proposes 53 traditional hotel rooms, and the Four Seasons, a five-star luxury hotel/resort brand, will operate and manage the property in accordance with the goals of the Mountain Village Comprehensive Plan.
This final SPUD approval is a culmination of the previous conceptual and sketch approvals the project has received from DRB and Town Council.
“This application represents the final PUD package: variations, community benefits, public benefits, density transfers/rezones, design plans, legal agreements and major subdivision review,” said Mountain Village Assistant Town Manager Michelle Haynes. “This is a long-anticipated development proposal in a key location adjacent to the gondola as identified in our 2011 Comprehensive Plan and the current Comprehensive Plan process as a flagship hotel site.”
The first public hearing for this project was held in February 2022, and the first conceptual approval was granted by Town Council in March 2022. The second sketch approval application was approved in May 2022. Council approved the first reading of the ordinance in its July 21, 2022 council meeting.
A Planned Unit Development application provides the Town Council with the ability to vary and waive provisions of the Community Development Code in exchange for community benefits. As this project has developed, a number of community benefits have been included in this application.
To view the application material, which includes architectural sketches and plans for the development, please visit the Town’s current planning webpage at www.townofmountainvillage.com/current-planning.
Written public comments on the proposal may be addressed to .
The public is invited to attend all hearings meetings virtually or in person. Meeting info and Zoom log-in information can be found on the meeting agenda and packet, which will be posted to the Town Council webpage Friday, August 19.