Town Council to discuss 2024 budget Wednesday, October 11
The Mountain Village Town Council convenes for its annual budget worksession to discuss the 2024 budget on Wednesday, October 11 at 8:30 a.m. at Town Hall.
You can attend in person, tune in via Zoom or live-stream the meeting. All meetings are available to watch on-demand afterward. Each meeting you have the opportunity to comment on Town Council meeting agenda items — either in person, via Zoom or.
Town Clerk & Administration
- Remodel Town Council Chambers and upgrade audio-visual equipment to better serve the community for both remote and in-person meeting participation
- Remodel public bathrooms on the second floor of Town Hall
Business Development and Sustainability
- Complete a Climate Action Roadmap that will provide a framework to ensure we're on track to meet our climate action goals
- Work with the Colorado Energy Office to perform energy performance contracting on municipal buildings
Public Works
- Execute phase one of a three-year replacement of all water meters (water meters were last replaced between 1997 and 2000)
- Repave San Joaquin Drive and Mountain Village Boulevard
- Add stone veneer to new San Joaquin retaining wall
- Replace flower beds impacted by the Mountain Village Boulevard safety improvement projects
- Upgrade and replace bear-proof trash and recycling containers
Transportation & Parking Services
- Conduct Phase 2 of 4 structural steel painting for Gondola Parking Garage
- Implement new parking policy at council's direction
- Plan for future Gondola Parking Garage expansion
- Improve Meadows Parking Lot
- Add two new buses to fleet
- Perform scheduled gondola capital investment and required maintenance
- Participate in regional gondola long-term planning process
Parks & Recreation
- Implement Trails Master Plan including Boulevard Trail improvements from Elkstone to Russell Drive
- Finish engineering and secure construction funding for the Lawson Hill Meadows Trail Highway 145 underpass
- Reroute Jurassic Trail through Meadowlark development
- Remove hazardous trees along Mountain Village Boulevard
Child Development Fund
- Hire additional staff to allow for continued five-day-a-week childcare
Information Technology
- Improve cybersecurity with new firewalls and cybersecurity audit
Planning & Development Services
- Create and implement a plan to manage potential impacts from pending large-scale developments
- Plan and begin implementation of Meadows Subarea Improvements
- Enhance forestry program to allow for expanded fire mitigation work during summer and fall
Mountain Village Housing Authority
- Complete Village Court Apartments Phase IV (35 units/88 bedrooms)
- Complete Meadowlark at Mountain Village (29 for-sale units with 65 total bedrooms)
- Move forward with preliminary planning for Alexander Property in Ilium Valley