Town of Mountain Village to hold regular municipal election June 27, 2023; voter registration deadline is 5 p.m. May 26, 2023
The Town of Mountain Village will hold a Regular Municipal Election on June 27, 2023, to elect four Mountain Village Town Council members and is reminding residents and property owners to confirm they are registered to vote.
“Voter verification cards were mailed to constituents on May 9,” said Town Clerk Susan Johnston. “If you did not receive a verification card, please contact the Town Clerk’s office to confirm registration. If you have not yet registered to vote, please do so as soon as possible.”
The deadline to register to vote is Friday, May 26, 2023 at 5 p.m. Both legal residents and non-resident property owners are eligible to vote. A legal resident is any person who has maintained a principal residence within Mountain Village for at least 30 consecutive days prior to the scheduled June 27 election.
Non-resident property owners are eligible to vote if they hold the title to a property in their natural name (not in the name of a trust, corporation or partnership) and are the owner of record of real property for 30 consecutive days immediately prior to June 27, 2023 during which time you have owned at least 50 percent of the fee title interest in the real property. However, such property interest shall not include ownership of parking spaces, religious or other charitable facilities, hotel units, roads or common areas intended for non-profit use.
To verify voter registration, or to register to vote in this election, please visit townofmountainvillage.com/election. To contact the Clerk’s office regarding verification cards please email or call 970-369-6429.
Ballots will be mailed to registered voters between June 5 and 12 and should be returned either by mail or in-person to Mountain Village Town Hall located at 455 Mountain Village Blvd. Suite A before 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, 2023 to be counted. On Election Day, polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.