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Design Review Board

Design Review Board Duties

The Design Review Board (DRB) was established, pursuant to the Home Rule Charter and the Community Development Code (CDC), as our architectural review board and as the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board.

The DRB has the following duties under the CDC as they relate to the review of planning applications:

  • Approval of certain Design Review Process applications.
  • Approval of variations to certain Design Review Process applications.
  • Approval of specific design elements per the Design Regulations.
  • Recommendations to Town Council when reviewing applications for rezoning, PUDs, density transfers, subdivisions, conditional use permits, variances and annexations.
  • Conduct conceptual worksessions.

Design Review Board Members

Seven DRB members are appointed by Town Council to two-year alternating terms. Council strives to select individuals with varying professional and civic backgrounds who represent a cross-section of the community (e.g. architects, residents, merchants, hoteliers/property managers, landscape architects, civil engineers and contractors). In addition, Council prefers to have at least three members who are Mountain Village residents or property owners, residency is not a requirement for appointment.

To have an email forwarded to the DRB, please address your email

  • Banks Brown

    Banks Brown


  • Liz Caton

    Liz Newton

    Board Member

  • David Craige

    David Craige

    Board Member

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller

    Board Member

  • Ellen Kramer

    Ellen Kramer

    Board Member

  • Greer Garner

    Greer Garner

    Board Member

  • Scott Bennett

    Board Member

  • Jim Austin

    Alternate Member

  • David Eckman

    Alternate Member

Upcoming Design Review Board Meetings

Design Review Board meets the first Thursday of most months beginning at 10:00 a.m. in Town Hall.

Watch meetings

In an effort to enfranchise members of the public, you may watch all current Design Review Board meetings through the accordion links below.

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