Sales Tax FAQ

Everything you need to know about paying sales tax in Mountain Village.
The Town of Mountain Village was incorporated in accordance with a voter mandate as a Home Rule Municipality in March of 1995. On January 1, 2012, the Town of Mountain Village started self-collecting sales tax and implemented an online business revenue system called MUNIRevs. More information about our sales tax code can be found in chapter 3.04 of our Municipal Code.
Registration, business licensing and tax form submittals are all done online. Registration begins with applying on MUNIRevs and obtaining a business license. Certain businesses may be granted a “no fee” business license if they have no nexus in the Town of Mountain Village.
Below you will find answers to many of your most pressing sales tax questions:
Please visit our Facebook page for updates on paying your sales tax in Mountain Village
Mountain Village Sales Tax Facebook Page
Questions? please contact Julie Vergari.