Southwest Designs

Location: Mountain Village

We make copper, brass and silver earrings, bracelets, pendants, pins, hair ornaments, necklaces, money clips, key rings and bola ties.

We are self-taught metalsmiths. We have been making jewelry full-time since 1989 and have participated in art festivals and markets all over the country. Living in the Southwest has strongly influenced our work and we incorporate many of its images in our designs. We strive to create jewelry that is unique and of the highest quality.
All our work is done by hand, by us. We cut each piece individually from sheet metal with shears or a jeweler's saw. We then create the design, stamp and hammer them into shape. They are finished by buffing on a wheel with two separate polishing compounds.
We combine metals in some of our designs by soldering with an acetylene torch. We also oxidize some of our pieces by acid-washing to produce a patina finish. We use natural stones, wire-wrapped crystals and beads to accent our work.

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Southwest Designs
Heritage Plaza
Mountain Village, CO Get Directions

Hours of Operation

Market on the Plaza

11:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

*Hours may vary during holidays and shoulder seasons.