Deed-Restriction Compliance

Every other year, all deed-restricted dwelling units (excluding Village Court Apartments and Big Billies, which administer their own compliance) must undergo a compliance check to ensure owners and tenants living in these units comply with the unit's respective deed restriction.
The Town of Mountain Village Housing Authority (TMVHA) conducts its biennial deed-restricted compliance from November 15, 2023-January 31, 2024. A late fee of $250 will be incurred if the requested paperwork is not completed by January 31, 2024.
Owners and tenants of deed-restricted units are invited to fill out the online form below to submit their compliance paperwork.
Alternatively, you are welcome to download a PDF form and submit it to the TMVHA. Please note that the majority of units fall under the Employee Housing Restriction category and must fill out the Employee Housing Deed Restriction Application. All units located in Castellina, Elkstone and Cassidy Ridge are asked to submit the Affordable Housing Deed Restriction Application.
**Please note, if you or your tenant require a Spanish compliance form, please email .
Si usted o su inquilino necesitan un formulario de conformidad en español, envíe un correo electrónico a .