The Town of Mountain Village will hold a municipal election on Tuesday, June 24, 2025. The deadline to register to vote is Friday, May 23, 2025 at 5 p.m. Register to vote and learn more.

Deed-Restricted Building Fee Waiver Incentive

Deed-Restricted Housing

Strengthening Community Through Workforce Housing

The Town of Mountain Village is taking significant measures to incentivize new deed-restricted workforce housing construction for the town and to encourage maintenance and improvements to existing deed-restricted units within Mountain Village limits.

In 2018, Mountain Village Town Council unanimously voted to waive all planning, development and building permit fees for deed-restricted workforce housing units effective January 1, 2019. By waiving these fees, the town aims to encourage owners of these units to maintain existing units and offer greater financial incentives to construct new units on remaining deed-restricted properties to ensure the availability of affordably priced housing for its permanent residents.

For example, a free market building permit with a $1 million valuation would cost approximately $45,000 for the building permit plus $10,000 for the water and sewer tap fees and $3,500 for the design review application. The same permit for a deed-restricted property would cost only $4,000 for the building permit, which is the cost of county taxes, $5,000 for the water and sewer tap fee and no fee for design review of the town.

What is Deed-Restricted Workforce Housing?

Deed-restricted workforce housing programs were started in this area in an effort to give local workers and their families the ability to rent, enjoy homeownership at below-market rates, and be active in the community. The deed restrictions vary based on location in the region and type of unit, and the Town of Mountain Village offers both rental and ownership units. To qualify for and purchase deed-restricted units, potential buyers and owners work with the San Miguel Regional Housing Authority.

How to Qualify?

1. One must own a deed-restricted home or lot in the Town of Mountain Village.

2. Submit a design review process application for approval to the Town of Mountain Village.

3. Submit a Town of Mountain Village building permit upon approval of your design review process application.

4. Lastly, once steps 1-3 are completed and approved, the applicant waiver initiated.


For more information, please contact Planning and Development Department by or (970) 369-8242

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