Village Court Apartment Residents

Village Court Apartments (VCA) Residents
At VCA, our residents' well being is our top priority. Our staff works diligently to ensure VCA is a true home for all. For VCA community updates be sure to join the private VCA Facebook group.
2025 Renewal Changes
To renew your lease, please apply online.
Online Rental Payment
Maintenance and Repair Requests
Maintenance request can be submitted in the following ways:
- Submitting the online form below.
- Call the VCA office at (970) 369-8233 or 8232
For routine repairs, you can expect the following to occur:
- VCA staff will contact you to assure they can enter the until within 48 hours of the maintenance request submittal.
- VCA staff will assess the item to be repaired or fixed with an onsite visit.
- VCA staff will let you know whether any of the following apply:
- Need to assign the fix or repair to a subcontractor.
- Need to order parts.
- Temporarily repaired.
- Work is complete.
- VCA staff will provide an update to you either by email or posted on your door, should the repair take longer than 72 hours.
Join the FREE VCA Composting Program!
The Town of Mountain Village is partnering with Dirty Sturdy's Mountain Compost to bring composting services to VCA residents.. The Town is subsidizing 100% of the cost of the program to participants! Participants will receive a 3.5-gallon bucket to collect food scraps, paper, plants, and other accepted items. Six larger collection bins will be placed throughout VCA where participants deposit their bucket contents for pick-up by Dirty Sturdy's every Wednesday.
Pick up an at-home collection bucket from the VCA Main Office today!
To learn more about the program, please contact Lauren Kirn at or 970-369-8601.

Village Court Apartments (VCA) Resident Committee
VCA strives to provides a safe, clean and friendly living environment for the residents of our community with a positive attitude. In furtherance to this goal, VCA created VCA Resident Committee in order to receive feedback and input from VCA residents in order to maintain and improve the living environment at VCA.
Not a resident of VCA but are you looking to apply?
The Village Court Apartments Waitlist is currently closed. Visit the Village Court Apartment page for waitlist details.