Mountain Village Center Roofing

To address roofing and development code inquiries, the town has compiled the latest information about CDC requirements such as allowed roofing materials in the Village Center, Process Steps for a Class 3 Design Review, and general roofing resources, which can be found below.
Current Process for Re-Roofing in the Village Center
The CDC requires most roofing projects within the Village Center to submit a Class 3 Development Application for a project-specific design review, unless the roofing materials is being repaired or replaced (described in detail below). For new development and roofreplacements not meeting the criteria for repair and replacement, the following materials may be permitted by the DRB per CDC Section 17.5.6 (C)(3): Roof Materials if its determined that they are contextually compatible with the town design theme.
- Burnt Sienna Concrete Tiles.
- Earth Tone Materials compatible with Burnt Sienna concrete tile in color and texture.
- Brown Pre-Patina Copper.
- Standing Seam or Bonderized Metals in Dark Grey or Black.
- Zinc.
- Solar roof tiles as long as they are contextually compatible and non-reflective.
- Other material variations are permissible with specific DRB approval based on the design, color, theme and durability.
Repairing and Replacing Existing Roofing
The CDC does not require DRB review for simple repairs and replacement of roofing materials. Unfortunately, the manufacturer of the majority of the existing roof tile in the Mountain Village Center, Westile, went out of business in 2014. With that, building owners within the Village Center have had difficulties finding a manufacturer of tiles that match the existing design when repairing, maintaining, and replacing broken tiles. Unless the replacement of the roof is determined to be a repair and replacement with like materials, the DRB process described above would be required.
For a list of remaining Westile roof inventory, please visit Custom Tile Roofing.
To contact the Town Planning and Development Services Project regarding a potential project or for any other inquiry, please email